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​HOPE: It's What's for Breakfast!

Matthew 19:26; "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." A TV campaign in the 80's for Honey Bunches of Oats used the slogan: "Honey Bunches of Oats, It's What's for Breakfast!" The slogan resonated with me and affected me much more than the cereal ever did. In fact, I had to research what cereal used the catchy phrase. But this morning, know this, HOPE is the Breakfast of Champions at the Coomer Household. In October of 2014, I was very blessed to participate in the Hope Over Heroin event held in Newport KY serving alongside these guys and many others. It lasted for 2 nights. It serves as an incredible memory that held eternal consequences for many. On Friday night after the worship service I climbed into one of the two on-site outdoor baptismal pools (it was freezing) and baptized a large number of folks. Men and women who had decided they'd had enough of the death, hell and destruction offered by heroin addiction gave their hearts willingly to the Lord. It was an incredible experience watching so many people reach towards heaven with the sound of their voice and the cry of their heart. Life dominating issues, whether they are self-inflicted or undeserved, can be a tool of the devil. Many times they lead to feelings of desperation, hopelessness and lots of questions for all those involved. But, we must remember. There is HOPE! And that HOPE is found in the Good News of Jesus Christ. Don't forget, serious health issues can be very discouraging. The Holidays are coming and for some this is a reminder of loved ones who are no longer present. Also, watching a loved one battle an addiction can be just as debilitating for the bystander as it is the afflicted. The bottom line is we live in a broken and hurting world. People are devastated and lonely all around us. Jesus said, sometimes things look impossible (I think HE knew what HE was talking about). Broken and hurting are points of contact with Savior of the World. Remove Limited Thinking All the scenarios I've listed and those I haven't are discouraging and defeating. If the only power to overcome them available to us is that which we possess within our own abilities and talents, then we are limited in perspective, opportunity and resources. For it is true, with men some things are impossible. But don't forget this, with God, ALL THINGS are possible. So today, if you've read this far I want you to do me a favor. Think of someone who is in the middle of a battle, whether they are a bystander or the afflicted, and lift their name towards heaven in prayer. Then, text, call, email or visit them and remind them, "There is HOPE!" Don't let them accept less, because God wants them to have MORE. You'll be glad you did. More importantly, so will they! Have a great day! Pastor Steve

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